Thursday, November 30, 2006

Saint Hood

Ephesians 1:1-2 "To the saints in Ephesus, the faithful in Christ Jesus" (Eph. 1:1b)
What is a saint?
Do you think Mother Teresa was a saint
? How long ago was it that she died? I know my mother-in-law was a saint and now that she is gone and with her Lord I can tell everyone that and no one will think it strange. It wasn't to many years ago that in the church we called each other "Brother or Sister". When we use that terminology today it sounds a little funny. I wonder why? The Apostle Paul had a simple definition for a saint, "faithful in Christ Jesus". I like that. Well, my brother - sister, I bid you a wonderful day and the blessings of the Lord. Paul


Just A Friend said...

Just checking out what a comment might look like. Paul

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the devotional! Your family has again found another way to be a blessing to mine! Wait till the kids hear that I'm a saint :) :) :)

The Poehl's

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the devotional! You have once again come up with aonother way to be a blessing to my family. Wait till the kids find out I'm a saint!

The Poehls